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When Hamish was diagnosed with leukaemia in May 2020 it was right at the start of lock-down.  The Teenage Cancer Trust team at The Christie were invaluable in supporting him every step of the way.  From Steve and Laurie, the Youth Support Co-ordinators, who kept his spirits up with regular FIFA or UNO games, to Hanna, his lead nurse, who made sure Hamish had everything he needed as well as keeping his mum Sarah up to date and reassured at a time when no visitors were allowed.

Every day, seven young people aged 13-24 hear the words: “you have cancer”.

From that moment, everything changes. Cancer doesn’t just devastate a young person’s health. It threatens to take away everything they care about – their identity, their independence, and their dreams.

Teenage Cancer Trust are there to help them through it.

They are the only UK charity dedicated to providing specialised nursing care and support for young people with cancer.

The 28 purpose-built units within NHS hospitals are places where young people can feel at home, meet others their age, and welcome family and friends. It’s hospital that doesn’t feel like hospital.

Their nurses are specially trained in how cancer affects teenagers and young adults. As well as providing world-class medical care, they understand how to support young people with the impact of cancer on their emotions, friendships, studies, work and relationships.

Youth Support Coordinators work alongside nursing teams to help young people deal with the emotional and practical impact of cancer. As well as providing one-to-one support, they’re also skilled at bringing young people together to support each other.

The charity will walk with each young person from diagnosis through every step of their treatment, and continue to support them for up to two years afterwards.

They have the time to get to know each young person as an individual – their passions, their hobbies and what’s going on in their life outside cancer, so they feel seen for who they are.
■  They are there to listen, explain things simply and get the answers to their questions, so they feel more in control at what can be a scary and confusing time.
■  They help them manage the impact of cancer on family and friends, and connect them with others their age going through it too, so they don’t feel alone.
■  Offering support to keep up with studies, career and life goals, or to get back to want to be once treatment ends.

As well as providing the very best clinical care, Teenage Cancer Trust do everything they can to make sure cancer doesn’t stop young people living their lives.

Because that’s what getting through cancer looks like.
Click here for more info

Teenage Cancer Trust is a registered charity: 1062559 (England & Wales), SC039757 (Scotland)