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We would like to give a huge shout out our wonderful sponsors for helping make this event happen to also include 

BESSEGES - fire protection

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our generous sponsors of this MARVELOUS event. Your support plays a crucial role in Hamish's mission to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer, and to the wonderful staff at the charities who are his HEROES.

BELLE VUE - bus and coaches

Belle Vue is a fast growing, quality branded, multi award winning, bus and coach hire operation based in Stockport. their 80-vehicle fleet carries 3M passengers a year across the UK and Europe. Their drivers are delivering services that drive value, quality and reliability.
Belle Vue supplies transport packages that deliver under budget, and provides dedicated account managers and driver teams, with personality profiles to meet and match the wants needs, and expectations of their clients.
If you have a travel requirement and need some help and advice, contact their friendly team. They'd love to be part of your next travel adventure